Trading Conditions

Costs and associated charges for the provision of Investment and Ancillary Services


Spread‘ is the difference between the Sell (“Bid”) and Buy (“Ask”) price of a particular instrument. The spread that the Company charges you reflects, in part, the spread of the underlying exchange where the underlying asset is traded on, plus a mark-up depending on the trading account type and product. Our spreads are variable and subject to charge upon market conditions.


‘Commission’ is the amount charged when Client enters a CFD transaction and is based on the account type and the notional value of the trade. The total commission fee is charged at the opening of the transaction for both sides at once (opening and closing)

Overnight Financing Fee (Swaps)
‘Overnight Financing/Swap’ is the fee charged for all positions held open overnight at the end of the daily trading session (22:00GMT and 21:00GMT during DST) and may be subject to credit or debit depending on the prevailing market. The Company applies a 3-day rollover strategy on Wednesday for all positions held open on FX , Energies and Metals, a 3-day rollover strategy on Thursday for all positions held open on Cryptos and 3-day rollover strategy on Friday for indices. Tripled Swap Explanation: This is an industry standard and is due to the T+2 settlement date of financial instruments to cover the charges incurred by the interbank market over the weekend. Please refer to our website for more information on the swap values.
The swap values are received from the Company’s Execution Venues.

Calculation Methology

Spread= (Bid Price – Ask Price) × Volume × Contract Size

Commission= Commission (Per Lot) × Volume

Swap Fee= Swap Long/short Points × Volume × Contract Size × Point Size* × Days

*The point size depends on the decimal digits of each CFD Instrument.

Point Size for 5 decimal digits = 0.00001

Point Size for 3 decimal digits = 0.001

Point Size for 2 decimal digits = 0.01

Point Size for 1 decimal digits = 0.1

Convesrion fee= market exchange rate + fee

The spread is the actual cost to those who open an account to trade with Forex. Who usually invests in the stock market operates by opening a trading account with a broker and deposit their funds into it, leaving it to the broker the various movements. The broker then provides a service and acts investor faith, asking to be compensated for any transaction with the “spread”, the difference between the price BID and ASK price on the currency pair that is traded. The broker adds the spread within the trade price and keeps for himself by covering the costs of management and obtaining a revenue.

The spreads may also vary depending on the type of account that is opened and are different between the various products.

A Standard account will have higher spreads than a Professional account because it is assumed that an account of a professional trader makes several changes on the market (or use the scalping technique) compared to an account of a novice trader.

Forex1:1000 1:1000 1:1000
 Rollover Fee
Forex0.017% of the overnight exposure
Metals0.017% of the overnight exposure
Indices0.017% of the overnight exposure
Commodities0.017% of the overnight exposure
Stocks0.017% of the overnight exposure
Cryptocurrencies0.017% of the overnight exposure
 Rollover Fee
Forex0.0% of the overnight exposure
Metals0.0% of the overnight exposure
Indices0.0% of the overnight exposure
Commodities0.0% of the overnight exposure
Stocks0.0% of the overnight exposure
Cryptocurrencies0.0% of the overnight exposure
Next Webinar
Event Ended

Creating a Consistent Cash Flow with DbInvesting

June 1 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT + 1; Nigeria time)

Price: Free

Language: English

Location : 2 soji adepegba close, off allen avenu, ikeja, Lagos